Julie's Travel Blog

HomeTravel Blog

I revel in the small overlooked details and in the grand vistas. New discoveries can be made every single day, anywhere in the world.

The Dreaded S-word: How to Use Travel to Jump Out of a Slump

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The Dreaded S-word: How to use travel to jump out of a slump   January is passed. The excitement of holidays, gifts, and new year goals is wearing off. The northern hemisphere days are still short, the evenings lingering with darkness.   Are you eating healthy and hitting the gym? How about getting outside and…

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lady outside writing in journal

Reset Your Life and Travel with Intention by Throwing Out Your Dreams

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Throw out your dreams.  You may be feeling as startled as I did about the idea of tossing out your dreams.    I am a tenacious pursuer of my goals. I work hard to tick every box on the list, to feel that sense of accomplishment. I want to travel with intention, both in my…

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Giulia and Julie with Liberty Bell on North Cascades Highway

Driving Washington’s North Cascades Highway

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The weekend highlight was driving the North Cascades Highway (WA 20).   Giulia hit the road on a Friday afternoon destined for Wenatchee, WA to rendezvous with my friend N with the goal of driving over the North Cascades Highway on Saturday. This initial part of the road trip is not a particularly scenic or…

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Julie K. walking with camera towards hangar door at sunset

10 tips for traveling like an expert

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Here are some of my favorite tips for traveling like an expert. These are especially helpful when traveling to new countries and when trips have complicated logistics involving tight connections or tricky transfers. I remember being caught in a Mediterranean downpour on Gibraltar which is also a very tricky place to drive and park. Or…

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Julie K a travel expert in Swiss airport

Are You a Travel Expert?

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Are you a travel expert?   Part I – In the travel groove I started traveling on my own in my mid-twenties after I finished my formal education. The dream of travel was a huge motivation pushing me through school. The first few trips, I was definitely a rookie, not a travel expert.   Generally,…

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My first trip overseas was to Ukraine

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My first trip overseas was to Ukraine We stepped off the bus into the crisp fall air of the Ukrainian countryside and were met by a line of children and their headmistress. The lead child was holding a round loaf of golden bread on a traditional embroidered towel.     This bread, called Kolach, is…

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ally art at Radius Gallery

Creating a Vacation Capstone in Missoula, MT

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Creating a Vacation Capstone in Missoula, MT   I woke up leisurely and stretched in bed. Big snowflakes were gently falling over the river outside my hotel room window. I was tired and happy. Then, a less pleasant feeling stiffened my muscles.   It was the feeling of dread.   I was wrapping up a…

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Julie K. walking down tarmac with roller bag

My Travel Restrictions in 2021

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My Personal Travel Restrictions in 2021   If 2020 was a crazy year to start a travel blog, 2021 really squashed my travel and blogging plans.   Once again, I am learning life lessons in resilience and adaptability.   Travel is a deeply personal experience and we should choose our travel with purpose and soul.…

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feet in plum stilettos walking with shadow in sunlight

5 Strategies to Survive Change

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5 Strategies to Survive Change     Change is inevitable.   When we are really craving a change in our life, it feels like a painfully slow wait for the desired change to arrive. This is usually due to our inability to take definitive action towards our goals; and sometimes, we just need to be…

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Julie K photographing over Giulia, Grand Tetons National Park

17 Days, 7 Ski Towns, 3000 Miles: Part 3

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17 Days, 7 Ski Towns, 3000 Miles: Part 3 Past the half way point of the trip, it was time to head north again. Along the way, I picked up A, one of my best friends from college. Our goal was to take a scenic route towards Jackson, Wyoming. Along Highway 40, we discovered Blue…

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Travel Blog Categories

Dr. Julie Kellogg: New Year, Same Pandemic – Four Ways to Get on the Good Side of 2021

Dr. Julie Kellogg: This is NOT a COVID Story

You’ve found something fascinating, here, in your articulation of the texture concept. Saying the word, ‘texture’ almost compels one to feel it. I found myself thinking, too, after reading your stories, about the feeling of time slowing in those moments, about the time it takes to allow texture to do its work on us, about allowing beauty and awe and healing.


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