The Overnight Road Trip Reset

In search of beautiful by-ways, ski resorts, and pastries.

Written by Julie K | Photography by Julie K

HomeTravel BlogGiulia & JulieThe Overnight Road Trip Reset

Giulia and Julie both felt restless. A certain twitch in the hands and the feet becomes ever more present. The mind wanders, imagining the feel of acceleration through the curves and emerging onto a calm and satisfying vista.


When you stay in the rut, focused on the small mundane tasks of life, it can activate the flight or fight response in the body. Thus, there is a feeling of restlessness and the need for a jailbreak.


Conversely, being outside and experiencing wide-open views stimulates the parasympathetic response, producing a calming effect.


The Parasympathetic Plan

Hit the road for a quick reset with the overnight road trip.


My friend N is the queen of the overnight road trip. She frequently jumps in her car to explore a new hike, ski a new resort, or revisit a favorite destination.


It’s easy to plan, satisfying, and inexpensive. An overnight road trip is an effective physiological reset for the mind and body. And it is a carload of fun.


One of the road trips on my bucket list for Giulia was a loop from my hometown over to McCall, Idaho. So, I invited N to come along, and we picked a perfect early summer weekend for the trip.


We loaded our overnight bags along with a cooler with snacks and pointed Giulia down the road through the luscious green wheat and brilliant gold canola fields.

Giulia and golden canola fields along the road

Take the Turn

As we began to think about a break for snacks, we saw a sign for Winchester Lake State Park. One of the rules of road trips is to take the turn when you see an interesting waypoint.


Winchester did not disappoint. This tiny town of about 350 sits on the rolling hills with a small lake and state park just beyond. The lake used to be a mill pond created by damming a nearby creek and served the now-defunct sawmill industry in town.


We found a picnic table along the shore and enjoyed our light lunch in the warm sunshine.

Julie and N at Winchester Lake

By coincidence a couple of weeks later I was asking one of my patients what her family was planning for the 4th of July holiday. She explained how they always go camping and enjoy Winchester Days. Her late grandmother was from Winchester and the kids love the holiday festivities that take over the town.


I laughed as I told her that prior to my road trip, I would have had no idea of where she was talking about, but now I know exactly the spot she described.


Look for Specific Points of Interest

Besides a good vista, it’s fun to look for other points of interest on road trips. Depending on your geographical region and interests, you can make up your list. I like to look for unique bridges and ski resorts.


On this road trip, we found some great old railroad trestles. I’m amazed by their height and span given how many decades ago they were built. Some are still active, and others such as the Hiawatha Trail have been turned into bike trails.

The mountains were green with grasses nourished by the spring run-off and some of the distant peaks still retained a cap of snow. The curves of a new road were delightful for Giulia and her passengers.


As we turned toward McCall, Guilia revved up her horses and pulled up the hill towards Brundage Ski Resort. I’ve never skied this little independent resort, but I love exploring ski resorts in the off-season.


We pulled in and had the entire place to ourselves as a couple of summer construction workers were heading home for the day.


We explored the lodge, looked at ski trail maps, hiked around, and then plopped ourselves onto one of the idle ski lift chairs for a round of chairlift coaching. Note the disco ball hanging nearby.

Julie and N on the chair lift at Brundage off season


McCall, Idaho

We cruised into McCall which sits on Payette Lake. Lodges, restaurants, shops, and parks line the shore with a spectacular lake view and the top of Brundage across the water.

Julie and N at Payette Lake, McCall ID

We found a wine bar with a yummy menu and scored a waterfront patio table. Part of the parasympathetic reset is eating leisurely. Sip slowly, order an appetizer, take your time with the entrée, and stay for dessert to fully savor the moment.

As we lingered over our meal enjoying the breeze from the lake, I reflected on the calming effect of being outside along the water. My tight muscles relaxed and my thoughts slowed. I was content listening to the happy voices around me and being in the moment.

Later, we strolled through town, the parks, and the shoreline to help that wonderful dinner properly digest. We watched the sunset over the lake before turning towards our accommodations for the night.

Sunset over Payette Lake

After sleeping in and a short walk, we were off for one of my favorite activities, the search for a delectable pastry and a steaming cup of coffee. In McCall, we came up with a couple of fun choices to check out.


The first stop was the Fogglifter Café, an efficient little breakfast stop to fuel up for the day. I made the healthy choice to start with a cappuccino and some eggs.


Then we discovered a bakery for the Best of list. Stacey Cakes is a tiny shop loaded with sweet and savory pastries, cakes, cookies, and everything delightful and mouthwatering. My pancreas was grateful that we didn’t start there. We each loaded a to-go box of delicious treats.


Tamarack Resort and Cascade Lake

Giulia eased up the road about 15 miles to Donnelly and then up towards the Tamarack Resort which sits above the shores of Cascade Lake.


Developed nearly 20 years ago, only the ski lifts have operated for most of these years as the 2008 recession froze the development of the village, amenities, and golf course. Dubbed Tyvek Village by the locals for its unfinished buildings covered in construction wrap, the village and golf course are now finished, and many other amenities are being added.


We wanted to take a scenic tour up the chair lift to get an elevated view of the area and record another session of chairlift coaching but an archery event limited the access.

Instead, we opted to hike the trails which serve as part of the Nordic ski trail system in the winter. The forest and wildflowers were a visual and aromatic delight, and the gentle ups and downs of the trail provided a nice morning workout.


I couldn’t resist popping into a wholesale gear shop down on the edge of town and having a fun chat with the owners. It’s one of those eclectic charming businesses where you never know what treasure you might find. I loved the fact that there is no phone and shop hours are subject to change on a daily basis.


Closing the Loop

We refreshed ourselves and supported local with smoothies at a walk-up in Donnelly. Then Giulia turned onto the return route of our loop.


For a while, we drove along with great views and a lot of opportunities to test Giulia’s ability to pass slower vehicles on the winding highway.


Eventually, we ended up on the interstate and after a couple of hours of being bored and frustrated, we came up with the idea to finish our road trip with a back road route over the mountains. It turned out to be a much more relaxing and scenic way to finish the trip.

Giulia at a viewpoint

Tips For the Overnight Road Trip

-Find some back highways you won’t otherwise drive when traveling from point A to B. You’ll discover little towns, history, viewpoints, and driving pleasure.


-Slowly eat delicious food with a view. It satisfies the stomach and the soul at a deeper level than just eating out of hurried necessity.


-This kind of trip doesn’t have to be expensive. You can go luxury or basic or somewhere in the middle. N got the room, I paid the gas, and we split the food bills. Neither of us spent more than $200 for our mid-level trip.


-Look for things you enjoy such as historical sights, hiking trails, old saloons, lakes/rivers, bridges, ski areas, or pastries. The possibilities are endless, and the discoveries are delightful.



The overnight road trip is easy to pull off to refresh your body’s computer. When that restless twitch has you feeling in fight or flight mode, jump in your car and see where the road takes you.


Widening your visible range beyond the narrow rut of routine will activate the calm and creative part of your soul. I promise you will arrive back home refreshed and reset.

sign about kindess at the park in Mccall

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