Journeys in Personal Growth

HomeTravel BlogJourneys in Personal Growth

I revel in the small overlooked details and in the grand vistas. New discoveries can be made every single day, anywhere in the world.

Julie K, G1 and G2 on top of the mountain skiing

Life Lessons from the 2025 Ski Trip with Friends

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My top priority every year is my ski trip with friends. “Can you meet us to ski the second week of January?” This conversation happened just days after Christmas. We are accustomed to pulling together ski trip details on short notice but with the flurry of activities and tasks that come with a new year,…

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Julie K in the coulee along lake and yellow wildflowers

Coulee Corridor Camping: a trip through nature’s trauma and recovery

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In life, there are catastrophic events that change us forever.   Out of nowhere, something breaks away and the forces power into your reality and spill into every aspect of your life. It blindsides you—leaving you physically drained and emotionally raw. For a time, you swim in the swirling currents simply trying to keep your…

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Journey Through Time: Exploring the significance and awareness of time

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Journey Through Time   I’ve been thinking about time travel lately.   We make a lot of excuses about time, don’t we? Our conversations habitually swirl with how busy we are and how we don’t have time to do things we want to.   We continue to find reasons for not taking that trip on…

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Julie K standing with a tree in the Garden District

In step with a Modern Elder: An introvert’s exploration of New Orleans’ Garden District

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An introvert’s exploration of New Orleans’ Garden District   I opened the door to the luxurious foyer and immediately felt my tired muscles relax. My shoes softly stepped on the shiny marble floor as I moved to peer into the sun-filled room.   An eclectic mix of French styles delighted my eyes and textural proclivities.…

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Tennis balls in front of electronic backdrop on tennis court

Optimizing Your Performance: 6 game-changing questions from the tennis pros.

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Welcome to Tennis Paradise. Here are 6 game-changing questions that I learned from watching professional tennis players.   The breeze blew through my hair as the sun warmed my back. The flowers were brilliant purple and red and the palm trees perfectly manicured. Happy spectators milled around in brightly colored shorts and oversized hats. Conversations…

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Julie K walking on tarmac with suitcase

Hate packing? Navigating your emotions and overcoming packing anxiety

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I hate packing.   The guest bed was covered in stacks of outfits in varying coordinated color schemes, along with scarves, jackets, shoes, toiletries, passport, and books. I was so excited about the upcoming trip to Europe, that I was strategizing my packing weeks before departure. I agonized over every detail, trying to anticipate what…

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Julie K travel with strings of chili peppers in Santa Fe New Mexico

The second week of October is the perfect time to visit Santa Fe for introverted (creative) professionals

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The second week of October is the perfect time to visit Santa Fe for introverted (creative) professionals.   You work hard. Your time is spent in focused care of your patients or clients, filled with professional socializing and expert advising. Problem-solving, implementation, follow-up, and documentation consume your daily energy stores.   You live with a…

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Peak-to-Peak Tram at Whistler Blackcomb

Ski a glacier in July: Stepping out of your normal and into a world of possibility

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I have skied every month of the year from November to June, but I had never skied in July until last summer. I try to embrace each season fully and enjoy the change of weather and activities. But in sports and in life sometimes we need to step over the line of normal and predictable…

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Julie hiking with view of Blackcomb BC

Work, play, and self-care intertwined. You can find the ultimate balance.

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Can you have it all? I stepped off the gondola and inhaled the high alpine air. The air was a mix of young fir growth and trail dust. A chilled breeze blew off the glacier above. While the air was slightly thinner, the panorama was greatly expanded.   I inhaled again and felt a release…

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Looking toward the future

Professionals Often Feel Lonely and Isolated. Are you one?

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Are you a professional who feels lonely and isolated?   Physicians, dentists, veterinarians, physical therapists, accountants, engineers, architects, lawyers, and many types of small business owners are educated, specialized, and often isolated.   Our work is done on a small island in the sea of other professional businesses surrounded by the vast ocean of humanity.…

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Travel Blog Categories

Dr. Julie Kellogg: New Year, Same Pandemic – Four Ways to Get on the Good Side of 2021

Dr. Julie Kellogg: This is NOT a COVID Story

You’ve found something fascinating, here, in your articulation of the texture concept. Saying the word, ‘texture’ almost compels one to feel it. I found myself thinking, too, after reading your stories, about the feeling of time slowing in those moments, about the time it takes to allow texture to do its work on us, about allowing beauty and awe and healing.


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